Thursday, October 4, 2012

Forces and Movement

Good morning Miss Battista's grade 3 class! 

As you know, there are two basic types of forces that cause movement. As we have seen in class, contact forces involve direct interaction (pushes and pulls between surfaces that are in direct contact). Non-contact forces include magnetic and gravitational forces and involve interaction at a distance. As a class, we have explored the effects of forces from sharing our "invention designs", and we have also seen ways in which forces, including forces in nature, cause objects to move. 

Watch this video clip from Bill Nye the Science Guy as he explains forces of movement. This may help you have a better understanding of what we have been learning in class.

The students have been learning about various types of forces and movement within the environment. The students were given a task in groups in which they had to design and build their own machine that would be fully functional in moving objects. This unit is in line with the Ontario curriculum standards under the science and technology strand fro grade 3. It states that:
       - 2.2. Students will investigate forces that cause an object to start moving, stop moving, or change        
       - 3.1. Students will identify a force as a push or a pull that causes an object to move

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Hundreds, Tens and Ones

Good morning grade 3's!

As we have all been working on our numeracy unit in math, I have some useful links that may help you get more practice using the hundreds, tens and ones blocks. I know we just just started learning about thousands and it may be difficult for some to grasp but have a go at these websites. They are really useful and may help you get more practice and familiar with the thousands.

Click this link and have some fun creating your own numbers using the base ten blocks. Be sure to count and note how many hundreds, tens and ones blocks you are using.

EXTRA STUFF. Here are some fun games using base ten blocks that you can play in your spare time!
Base Ten Bingo
1) Click on the category you would like to play.
2)  Select Go.
3) Select your grid size
4) It's time to play! Have some fun

Be sure to try the ones, tens, hundreds and if you really would like to challenge yourself, try the thousands!

Here's one you might like! It's a card game website using base ten blocks and numbers. Click Here.
That is all for now grade 3's, Have fun!

We are currently learning about numbers in the format of breaking them apart into hundreds, tens and ones using base ten blocks. 
Parents, our class has been learning about base ten numbers. The activity posted here on my blog is a great follow up to what we are doing in class. It covers a curriculum component in mathematics. This link will help the students better understand our number system using base ten blocks and develop mental strategies such as learning to count by 10's, 100's and so on (Grade 3 Mathematics-Number sense and numeration) 
-  Students will represent and explain, using concrete materials, the relationship among the numbers 1, 10, 100, and 1000, (e.g., use base ten materials to represent the relationship between a decade and a century,or a century and a millennium); 
- Students will compose and decompose three-digit numbers into hundreds, tens, and ones in a variety of ways, using concrete materials (e.g., use base ten materials to decompose 327 into 3 hundreds, 2 tens, and 7 ones, or into 2 hundreds, 12 tens, and 7 ones);

Don't be shy to try some of these activities with your children!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Writer's Workshop

Good morning grade 3's!

As we have been practicing our writing skills over the course of the past few weeks, here are some helpful links for you to use when writing in your writer's workshop books! Have fun! If you are stuck or having difficulty understanding what verbs, nouns and adjectives are, make sure you check out the second website. It has some fun activities for you to try that may help you get a better grasp on these concepts! Have a go at it! The last link is just for fun but it will help you learn new words that you may add to your "wordbook" dictionary. Have a go at making your very own word puzzle!

Thesaurus and Dictionary - 
Grammar Games -
Word Search -

FruityCuties, 2012, [Online Image]. Retrieved from

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A great resource!

Hello again grade 3's!

Whenever you need to use videos in class or for projects, assignments or presentations, go to http://www.teachertube.comThis is a great resource for excellent educational videos. Check back soon, as I will continue to post new and exciting links for you to explore!

Throughout my blog, I will post funny jokes and comics of fruit for you to look at! If you would like to read some of them or just need a good laugh then click THIS LINK. Enjoy! 

FruityCuties, 2012, [Online Image]. Retrieved from

Saturday, September 22, 2012


Hello students, parents and friends! Welcome to Miss Battista's blog! Bonjour et bienvenue dans le domaine d'enseignement de Mademoiselle Battista. 


Welcome grade 3's! I am pleased and super excited to be teaching all of you this year! I am confident that we are all going to learn amazing things, make new friends and most importantly, have so much fun! Over the course of the year, I will be using this Blog to post information that will be very useful for you as we progress. Remember to visit my blog regularly or everyday if you like for updates and news on what we will be doing. I will be posting assignments, resources, links, videos and many other interesting resources for you to explore. Feel free to browse my pages for some useful tips, ideas, activities, fun stuff and lots of other cool things. I hope you will benefit from this blog and let's have a great fun filled year! 

This blog will help keep you updated on what we are covering in the classroom as we progress throughout the year. I will post a great deal of tasks, and resources.

 Bienvenue 3e année: Ici, vous-y trouverez des exemplaires, des idées, des ressources, des devoirs et travaux à compléter. N’oubliez-pas de naviguer à travers de mon site. J’afficherai de nouvelles choses au courant de l’année. Amusez-vous bien!    

-Miss Battista 

De Leon, September 25th, 2012,